- Transformers up to 1200 KV and 1000 MVA.
Distribution Transformers Single Phase Distribution Transformers Up to 160KVA and 33 Kv class.
Three Phase Distribution Transformers Up to 3150 KVA and 33 Kv class.
Medium Voltage Power Transformers up to 66 Kv class.
Unit Auxiliary Transformers for Power Plants.
Medium Frequency Induction Furnace Transformers.
Ladle Refining Furnace Duty Transformers.
Arc Furnace Transformers.
Freight Locomotive Transformers.
Single Phase & Three Phase Traction Transformers.
Six Pulse to Twenty-four Pulse Convertor duty Rectifier Transformers.
Three Phase and Single Phase Generator Transformers of all Ratings up to Voltage Class of 1200KV.
Three Phase and Single Phase Transmission Transformers, including Inter Connecting Transformers up to 1200 KV Phase Shifting Transformers.
HVDC Transformer up to + 800KV.
- Shunt Reactors up to 1200 KV.
Three Phase and Single Phase Shunt Reactors from 220 KV to 1200KV.
Raw materials and Machinery including Test Equipment's Used in Transformer Industry.
Mergers & Accusations
Joint Ventures/Technical Collaborations for new ventures in Electrical Power Sector.
Restructure of Loss Making Companies to Profit.
Product Development for any special application and for Type Testing of Transformers.
Project Feasibility Study.
Modules / Panels and other Equipment’s used in MW size Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants.