Plant Layouts & Designs
Factory Design & layout based on product mix, productivity levels, made-in & bought out items, location of vendors, storage levels of raw materials & finished goods
To prepare technical specifications of machines, obtain quotations, assessing vendors for supply of machines, stage & final inspection of machines
Select proper equipment’s for transformer processing viz. autoclaves, ovens, VPD plants, Oil purifiers and Vacuum Systems
Specifications for design and manufacturing all the above equipment’s
Co-ordination of activities of architect, structural consultant, and civil contractor by regular site visits during factory construction, including Govt. Approvals.
Erection & commissioning of machines and Plant, including its maintenances.
Test Room Design
Designing of test room for testing of reactor & transformers up to 1200 kV class
Solution for the “Intelligent Transformer
Evaluation & selection test equipment’s & instruments in testing of transformers & reactors.
Quality and ISO Certification
Preparation of quality plan required for raw material, manufacturing & final inspection in line with national & international standards.
Certification for QMS –ISO 9001, EMS- 14001 & OHAS 18001.
Global Material Sourcing
Selection and Evaluation of material suppliers required for transformers & reactors through SQP audits.
Erection & Commissioning
Supervision for ererction & comissioning of tranformer & reactors.
In Plant Training
Training on transformers and reactors, which includes design, manufacturing process, testing erection commissioning & troubleshooting. Inspection & testing of transformers & reactors in line with IS 2026, IEC 60076 & ANSI C57 12.90.